Friday, 11 November 2011

.It Is Better To Give, Then To Recieve.

How often have you caught yourself out saying the following sentence?........ "I'm So Poor".
I know I do..a lot! It is very easy to get caught up in our materialistic society and be continuely evaluating our success level, wealth level etc against others around us that we forget that we are better off then 80% of the world's population!!

In 2009 A family friend Luke O'Keefe ( Part time Big Brother to me when I was growing up) and his friend David Pocock (Has played for Western Force & Wallabies Ruby) brought their mission vision to life and launched Eightytwenty Vision.
Since 2009 they have been working with the Nkayi community (Zimbabwe) providing them with skills and materials they need to be able to increase their capacity to sustain themselves.

I have been donating to Eightytwenty Vision for going on two years now and it has been amazing to see what incredible things have been able to happen because of the constent support and generosity of others.

I really believe in what the guys are doing and it just blows me away how much of it they have done has been entirly off their own back! So please check out their website below, follow them on twitter, add them on Facebook, share this amazing charity with friends...and take the time to realize just how incredibly blessed we are.  We are wealthy beyond some peoples wildest dreams!!

x x x


  1. I remember when my girls were little they would at times say "we are so poor" because we couldn't afford to get take away for tea.......and I would get so angry they had no idea what being poor was now they are older of course they realise how wrong they were back then.....I think it is fantastic that you are supporting the organisation

  2. I know, I caught myself saying it last night when I was shopping and saw a dress I liked but couldn't buy . . It's such a hard habit to get out of saying LOL.... <3 <3 Thank you for reading Jo-Anne I hope you check their site out the have more details of all the great things happening over there x


  3. Do not count on one job when you are applying for employment. Even if you think you're a shoe-in, it is not a sure thing until you are actually hired. Always make sure you have options open. You increase your odds of finding a job by applying to more than one place.bhakti Bhajan
    Religion Bhajan

  4. Don't lie to people to make them think you're MLM opportunity is better than it really is. This will make them think that they should quit when you're not getting things in order as quickly as you said you would. Tell them that in the beginning it will be difficult so they don't come in thinking that they will be rich right bazaar
    satta king

  5. Regardless of whether you are flipping houses, working with starters or managing properties with wicked good installments, stick to what you know for progress.
