Tuesday, 15 November 2011

.The Rants Of A Mad Woman.

Recipe for a Self Indulgent Blog Tantrum/Rant . .

4x Weeks Worth of 1-2am Bed Times
4x Weeks Worth of 6am Starts
40Hr Weeks in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry
3-4 Nights a week Part Time Alcohol Promotion Work
1x Absent Partner doing 5/1 Swings in the Mining Industry
1x Land-Lady That Likes to Stop By On Sunday's then Judge You for being in you're PJ'S AT 11am 
1x Ranga Cat that likes to sleep on your face
1x Perth City - Were they give any one a drivers license
1x Arnold that was born a morning HATER 

Combine those parts to the normal every day stresses of life and enjoy the frustations that simmer over...I have earned this right to my blog rant...

WHY do deoderants lie? WHY do they say "Dare to wear Black" When it's all lies? Do they have little hidden camera's in the lids so the creators can sit in their Crappy deoderant head quarters LAUGHING at you while they watch you RUSHING to work "Oh Crap forgot deodrant" rip off that shirt...put it on...pull that BLACK shirt that you dared to wear on AND....oh yeah look at those lovely white smears all over the place!!!


WHY is the sun out and the swell up ALL week while we slave 8-5 for the man..selling our best years to the big companies just so we can put an over priced crappy rental roof over our head because they made it illegal to sleep out/Live on the beach... (What the Hell I always dreamed of living in a tree-house..and then I am denied this dream in the land of the free???) ...AND then nicks off during the WEEKEND??


WHY do P plater's go UNDER the speed limit while you're stuck behind them driving . . and then find it funny to speed up once you get around them and block you from getting past?? THEN slow back down when you're stuck back behind them?? Is that why they have changed the P Plate from white to RED now . . Red meaning "BEWARE this adolescent driver will cause aggrivation, heart palputations, harsh language and violent scenes..stay away DANGER!"
 AND if I see another car with 'My Family' stickers..I'm going to lose my nut!...WHO invented this?? While I am stuck in traffic do I really care that the car infront of me has a happy little stick family in it??? NO I DON'T


WHY has Perth City turned into a mini Jersey Shore? Have I been living under a rock? One day I think I'm Living in Western Australia . .land of the the hot surfer boy's in white board shorts and their bikini babes with their fresh no makeup looks waiting on the shore line with their mans towel.. next thing I know I'm Sunday Seshin' in the Land of the GYM TANNING LAUNDRY Guido's Wearing their sunnies at night, Starting fights with their little Guidette's with their makeup so thick it's started running through their hair, knickers on display, and every five seconds it's all "NOT UP IN HERE UH UH!"  Getting my feet speared by a "Snookie" in training's 6 foot stilletto heel on a Sunday afternoon is friggen "NOT UP IN HERE UH UH!!!" MTV I blame you!!


WHY is everyone trying to save the friggen Sharks...Getting all passionate on Facebook about 1 piddle shark that might get hunted for eating like 20 swimmers the last month and causing havoc on our coast  "Oh we need to save the man-eaters" "Oh it's their home, we scare them with our BIG SCARY bodies floating around in the water" "Save the sharks, Save The Shark's " 
Last time I checked there are HUMANS dying from disease, starvation, war...there are children being sold as slaves, orphaned daily, being born into poverty... WERE THE HECK are the passionate Facebook rant's and Facebook pages for this??? Were are the little try hard activists posting "Save the children" Huh? Huh?? How about we start caring for our own species FIRST!!
AND last time I checked HUMANS were placed TOP of the food chain...we were put on this earth ABOVE animals . . not to let them dictate were we go and what we do, If I want to friggen go for a surf in the Ocean I will friggen go for a surf in the Ocean it's my home too!!


WHY do weeds grow in the cement cracks? Are they playing a cruel game " Can't Touch This!!!" AND WHY does the land lady CARE that there are weeds in the cement cracks when she has an OCD tenant that has a ship-shape house that always looks perfect, doesn't throw crazy parties & pays her rent on time??? WHICH by the way I'm working TWO jobs to pay...so DO I look like the person that has time to lay on her stomach pulling little green sprouts out of the driveway??? I personally think they add a little touch of Amazon to this cement Jungle.


WHY is EVERY song on commercial radio all about "Waving your hands in the air while you own the club tooo--night!! Night! Night!!!" Some one needs to do something about copyrighting their lyrics because I have heard the SAME chorus re-worded to a different beat about FIFTY times this morning already!!
"We run, yes we run the night, the night
We run, yes we run the night, night, night, night, night"
- Havana Brown

"Who run the club? (We run the club) Who run the club? (We run the club) Who run the club? (We run the club) Who run the club? (We run the club)"
- Bizzy Bone

"Cause we’re gonna own this club tonight
DJs gonna drop this
Nothing won’t stop this
Cause we’re gonna own this club tonight"
-Marvin Priest

Okay we get the point..You all going to be owning and running the club tonight so don't worry I won't be showing up you just run it and I will be at home running and owning my TV remote, deal? Okay glad we agreed on this.


And lastly . . What is with these people that Rant on their blogs ????
 Like SERIOUSLY suck it up and get on with life!!!!
Sounds like pretty good advice...I Think I might take it . . Arnold Rant now over!!!

Hope your Tuesday has been less anger-ranty filled then mine...

x x x

Friday, 11 November 2011

.It Is Better To Give, Then To Recieve.

How often have you caught yourself out saying the following sentence?........ "I'm So Poor".
I know I do..a lot! It is very easy to get caught up in our materialistic society and be continuely evaluating our success level, wealth level etc against others around us that we forget that we are better off then 80% of the world's population!!

In 2009 A family friend Luke O'Keefe ( Part time Big Brother to me when I was growing up) and his friend David Pocock (Has played for Western Force & Wallabies Ruby) brought their mission vision to life and launched Eightytwenty Vision.
Since 2009 they have been working with the Nkayi community (Zimbabwe) providing them with skills and materials they need to be able to increase their capacity to sustain themselves.

I have been donating to Eightytwenty Vision for going on two years now and it has been amazing to see what incredible things have been able to happen because of the constent support and generosity of others.

I really believe in what the guys are doing and it just blows me away how much of it they have done has been entirly off their own back! So please check out their website below, follow them on twitter, add them on Facebook, share this amazing charity with friends...and take the time to realize just how incredibly blessed we are.  We are wealthy beyond some peoples wildest dreams!!

x x x

Friday, 4 November 2011

.Apologise From The World's Worst Blogger.

Flicking through my calander I have just realized it has been 43 days since my last blog!!!!
Now while everyone might be thinking I have been slacking off, I promise I have not...I was out living my Life ... but then slacking off from sharing it with the blogging world hehehe..

Because I don't have the time to write a novel 'The Last 43 Days of Arnold's Life'  I have lovingly constructed a photo collage of what I have been doing....Enjoy

Rottenest trip with my Daddy & Brother... 5Hours bike ride...through sand dunes (my Dad's brilliant idea for building upper leg muscles) multiple crashes...great food AND met the Quokka's :)


Some Crazy nights with the ladies

The Bra's N Things State Semi Final...didn't make it to the final but was still an AMAZING day with the BEST support from my amazing friends (Especially Lisa-Doll with her sign for meeee)

Going into my fourth week at Napoleon Perdis Makeup Acadamy were I am studying for my Certificate in Fashion, Glamour & Bridal Makeup Artistry ...


Southern Comfort Promotions

And last but totally the BESTEST.. Was blessed with the chance to work with 2 AH-mazing designer's (PAYVAND),  1 Brilliant Photographer & the World's greatest Makeup Artist... Shooting images for their website.... I recomend adding their facebook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150351811454306.370619.680604305&type=1#!/pages/Payvand/146385448767319  Their designs are going to go global they are just flawless!!

And now I am exhausted again just from re-capping the last 43 days...

 x x x