Tuesday, 15 November 2011

.The Rants Of A Mad Woman.

Recipe for a Self Indulgent Blog Tantrum/Rant . .

4x Weeks Worth of 1-2am Bed Times
4x Weeks Worth of 6am Starts
40Hr Weeks in the Offshore Oil & Gas Industry
3-4 Nights a week Part Time Alcohol Promotion Work
1x Absent Partner doing 5/1 Swings in the Mining Industry
1x Land-Lady That Likes to Stop By On Sunday's then Judge You for being in you're PJ'S AT 11am 
1x Ranga Cat that likes to sleep on your face
1x Perth City - Were they give any one a drivers license
1x Arnold that was born a morning HATER 

Combine those parts to the normal every day stresses of life and enjoy the frustations that simmer over...I have earned this right to my blog rant...

WHY do deoderants lie? WHY do they say "Dare to wear Black" When it's all lies? Do they have little hidden camera's in the lids so the creators can sit in their Crappy deoderant head quarters LAUGHING at you while they watch you RUSHING to work "Oh Crap forgot deodrant" rip off that shirt...put it on...pull that BLACK shirt that you dared to wear on AND....oh yeah look at those lovely white smears all over the place!!!


WHY is the sun out and the swell up ALL week while we slave 8-5 for the man..selling our best years to the big companies just so we can put an over priced crappy rental roof over our head because they made it illegal to sleep out/Live on the beach... (What the Hell I always dreamed of living in a tree-house..and then I am denied this dream in the land of the free???) ...AND then nicks off during the WEEKEND??


WHY do P plater's go UNDER the speed limit while you're stuck behind them driving . . and then find it funny to speed up once you get around them and block you from getting past?? THEN slow back down when you're stuck back behind them?? Is that why they have changed the P Plate from white to RED now . . Red meaning "BEWARE this adolescent driver will cause aggrivation, heart palputations, harsh language and violent scenes..stay away DANGER!"
 AND if I see another car with 'My Family' stickers..I'm going to lose my nut!...WHO invented this?? While I am stuck in traffic do I really care that the car infront of me has a happy little stick family in it??? NO I DON'T


WHY has Perth City turned into a mini Jersey Shore? Have I been living under a rock? One day I think I'm Living in Western Australia . .land of the the hot surfer boy's in white board shorts and their bikini babes with their fresh no makeup looks waiting on the shore line with their mans towel.. next thing I know I'm Sunday Seshin' in the Land of the GYM TANNING LAUNDRY Guido's Wearing their sunnies at night, Starting fights with their little Guidette's with their makeup so thick it's started running through their hair, knickers on display, and every five seconds it's all "NOT UP IN HERE UH UH!"  Getting my feet speared by a "Snookie" in training's 6 foot stilletto heel on a Sunday afternoon is friggen "NOT UP IN HERE UH UH!!!" MTV I blame you!!


WHY is everyone trying to save the friggen Sharks...Getting all passionate on Facebook about 1 piddle shark that might get hunted for eating like 20 swimmers the last month and causing havoc on our coast  "Oh we need to save the man-eaters" "Oh it's their home, we scare them with our BIG SCARY bodies floating around in the water" "Save the sharks, Save The Shark's " 
Last time I checked there are HUMANS dying from disease, starvation, war...there are children being sold as slaves, orphaned daily, being born into poverty... WERE THE HECK are the passionate Facebook rant's and Facebook pages for this??? Were are the little try hard activists posting "Save the children" Huh? Huh?? How about we start caring for our own species FIRST!!
AND last time I checked HUMANS were placed TOP of the food chain...we were put on this earth ABOVE animals . . not to let them dictate were we go and what we do, If I want to friggen go for a surf in the Ocean I will friggen go for a surf in the Ocean it's my home too!!


WHY do weeds grow in the cement cracks? Are they playing a cruel game " Can't Touch This!!!" AND WHY does the land lady CARE that there are weeds in the cement cracks when she has an OCD tenant that has a ship-shape house that always looks perfect, doesn't throw crazy parties & pays her rent on time??? WHICH by the way I'm working TWO jobs to pay...so DO I look like the person that has time to lay on her stomach pulling little green sprouts out of the driveway??? I personally think they add a little touch of Amazon to this cement Jungle.


WHY is EVERY song on commercial radio all about "Waving your hands in the air while you own the club tooo--night!! Night! Night!!!" Some one needs to do something about copyrighting their lyrics because I have heard the SAME chorus re-worded to a different beat about FIFTY times this morning already!!
"We run, yes we run the night, the night
We run, yes we run the night, night, night, night, night"
- Havana Brown

"Who run the club? (We run the club) Who run the club? (We run the club) Who run the club? (We run the club) Who run the club? (We run the club)"
- Bizzy Bone

"Cause we’re gonna own this club tonight
DJs gonna drop this
Nothing won’t stop this
Cause we’re gonna own this club tonight"
-Marvin Priest

Okay we get the point..You all going to be owning and running the club tonight so don't worry I won't be showing up you just run it and I will be at home running and owning my TV remote, deal? Okay glad we agreed on this.


And lastly . . What is with these people that Rant on their blogs ????
 Like SERIOUSLY suck it up and get on with life!!!!
Sounds like pretty good advice...I Think I might take it . . Arnold Rant now over!!!

Hope your Tuesday has been less anger-ranty filled then mine...

x x x

Friday, 11 November 2011

.It Is Better To Give, Then To Recieve.

How often have you caught yourself out saying the following sentence?........ "I'm So Poor".
I know I do..a lot! It is very easy to get caught up in our materialistic society and be continuely evaluating our success level, wealth level etc against others around us that we forget that we are better off then 80% of the world's population!!

In 2009 A family friend Luke O'Keefe ( Part time Big Brother to me when I was growing up) and his friend David Pocock (Has played for Western Force & Wallabies Ruby) brought their mission vision to life and launched Eightytwenty Vision.
Since 2009 they have been working with the Nkayi community (Zimbabwe) providing them with skills and materials they need to be able to increase their capacity to sustain themselves.

I have been donating to Eightytwenty Vision for going on two years now and it has been amazing to see what incredible things have been able to happen because of the constent support and generosity of others.

I really believe in what the guys are doing and it just blows me away how much of it they have done has been entirly off their own back! So please check out their website below, follow them on twitter, add them on Facebook, share this amazing charity with friends...and take the time to realize just how incredibly blessed we are.  We are wealthy beyond some peoples wildest dreams!!

x x x

Friday, 4 November 2011

.Apologise From The World's Worst Blogger.

Flicking through my calander I have just realized it has been 43 days since my last blog!!!!
Now while everyone might be thinking I have been slacking off, I promise I have not...I was out living my Life ... but then slacking off from sharing it with the blogging world hehehe..

Because I don't have the time to write a novel 'The Last 43 Days of Arnold's Life'  I have lovingly constructed a photo collage of what I have been doing....Enjoy

Rottenest trip with my Daddy & Brother... 5Hours bike ride...through sand dunes (my Dad's brilliant idea for building upper leg muscles) multiple crashes...great food AND met the Quokka's :)


Some Crazy nights with the ladies

The Bra's N Things State Semi Final...didn't make it to the final but was still an AMAZING day with the BEST support from my amazing friends (Especially Lisa-Doll with her sign for meeee)

Going into my fourth week at Napoleon Perdis Makeup Acadamy were I am studying for my Certificate in Fashion, Glamour & Bridal Makeup Artistry ...


Southern Comfort Promotions

And last but totally the BESTEST.. Was blessed with the chance to work with 2 AH-mazing designer's (PAYVAND),  1 Brilliant Photographer & the World's greatest Makeup Artist... Shooting images for their website.... I recomend adding their facebook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150351811454306.370619.680604305&type=1#!/pages/Payvand/146385448767319  Their designs are going to go global they are just flawless!!

And now I am exhausted again just from re-capping the last 43 days...

 x x x

Thursday, 22 September 2011

The 4 Temperaments...


As I mentioned in yesterday's blog I have been rummaging through old Year 12 treasures...I then proceeded to torture you with the adolecent poetry... during my expedition through countless boxes I also stumbled across 'The 4 Temperaments' Test we were made to take during health to better understand ourselves as growing human beings... I also found my results...which to this day I still dispute (I even re-took this test online to see if my results had changed...they had not) I am a strong Melancholic (The part that freaks me out) followed closely by Choeric (The part I can deal with) ... My school notes on my temperament types - especially the Melancholic, were highly depressing as I could not find very many positive attributes about the temperament type...I gave up and resigned myself to the fact that I was to grow old alone and lonely with 10 Billion cats (Melancholic) thatI had rigedly and perfectly trained into  a marching band (Choleric)...Which thank goodness has not been the case...
So I decided I was going to research my types again and hopefully find more postive attributes ... to cheer myself up...how self-indulgent....and this is what I found....

The Idealist (Melancholic) Temperament

"Idealists pride themselves on being loving, kindhearted, and authentic"


Positive attributes:
analytical, authentic, behaved, believing, calm, caring, chart maker, communicative, compassionate, conscientious, considerate, creative, cultured, deep, deliberate, dependable, detail conscious, disciplined, emotional, empathic, enthused, enthusiastic, ethical, even-tempered, faithful, fervent, genuine, helpful, idealistic, industrious, inspired, intuitive, loyal, musical, nurturing, orderly, organized, perfectionist, persistent, personal, planner, pleasing, precise, prophetic, psychic, relating, reliable, respectful, scheduled, self-sacrificing, sensitive, serious, sincere, spiritual, subjective, sympathetic, systematic, thoughtful, understanding, unifier, unworldly, visionary, warm, well-behaved, well-organized.

The Rationalist (Choleric) Temperament

"Rationals pride themselves on being ingenious, independent, and strong willed".


Positive attributes:
action-oriented, adventurous, ambitious, analyzing, assertive, bold, calm, capable, chief, collected,
competent, competitive, conceptual, confident, cool, courageous, daring, decisive, demanding,
determined, direct, dominant, driver, efficient, forceful, generative, global, identifier, independent,
ingenious, inventive, leader, logical, objective, opinionated, outspoken, persuasive, positive,
powerful, pragmatic, proactive, productive, progressive, resourceful, responsible, results-oriented,
ruler, self-assured, self-directed, self-reliant, serene, skilled, strong-willed, task-oriented ,tenacious,

Now these are character traits that I agree with...and are incredibly inspiring...
anyway I am super interested to know all which of the temperaments you are...
If you have never actually taken the test here is the link...I'm dying to know more about you all .....



Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Little Shakespeare...


When I find myself bored or restless .. or wide awake at 3AM dying of the flu I love pulling things out of storage and having a rummage...and last night.. I mean 'this morning' I stumbled upon all my old Year 12 bits and pieces...Year books, school work, photos AND all my old poetry and short stories I use to love writing... at the time I thought they were total masterpieces ... now re-reading them I find them so extremely mushy and actually embarrassingly hilarious.. this one survived my brutal critisim ...just.... so I thought I would share it with you....from the young Arnold during her first love....enjoy..or laugh ....

Loves Just That Way

Like a newly blooming rose bud...
Fresh..Young and Pure..
Loves just that way....
Like the first hot day of summer..
Wild..Sweaty and Fun....
Loves just that way...
Like the night of a full moon...
Calm...Peaceful and Beautiful.
Loves just that way..
But like a leaf in autumn
Gentle..Fragile and Easily crumbled.
Loves just that way..
Like a piece of ice...
Cold...Harsh and Sharp...
Loves just that way...
So see each day through new eyes..
Appreciate all the love around you..
Give it freely...and freely you will receive it...
Because loves just that way!!!


Monday, 19 September 2011

The A-B-C Of Arnold..


You will soon realize...I am quite the quiz fanatic..I LOVE answering the customer satisfaction forms after leaving a hotel..Want to leave feedback about the Telstra Website? SURE! ... Censes is something I count down the years to...Etc Etc...

A - Available

Have been happily maried for 3 years and 13 days....

B - Best Friend

I have 4 <3

C - Celebrity Crush

I am greedy..as with BFF's I have quite a few Celbrity Crushes hehe..

Matt Lanter (Liam from 90210)

Cam Gigandet (Volchok from The OC)

Channing Tatum ( Step Up)

D - Dad's Name

Stephen - Name Meaning is 'Crown' explains why I grew up thinking I was a Princess...Daddy is Royalty

E - Easiest Person To Talk To

My Youngest Brother

F - Favorite Band

3way Tie between Led Zeppelin and Blink 182 and Angels & Airwaves

G - Gummy Bears Or Worms

Gummy Bears because they are much cuter to look at....

H - Hometown

Geraldton, Western Australia

I - Instrument

Drums...Something wild and tribal about a drum..Drum solo's get my heart racing everytime

J - Job

Office & Accounts Manager...The Big Boss hehe

K - Kids

No Kids...and not to sure if I want any in my future...

L - Longest Car Ride

Geraldton to Coral Bay....8 Hours Plus Of driving...lovely scenery along the way though :)

M - Milk Flavor

Spearmint...alot of Childhood memories linked to Spearmint Milk... It makes my heart happy

N - Number Of Siblings

1 Older Brother who is in Heaven...
2 Younger Brothers...

O - One Wish

To never lose my compassion and love  for people, to always live a life filled with Integrity

P - Phobias

Bugs- all things that creep, and crawl around silently and have multiple legs

Q - Favorite Quote

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them..." Matthew 7:12

R - Reason To Smile

My Family
My Friends
Sun Showers

S - Song You Last Heard

Every Time You Need Me - Maria Rubia

T - Time You Woke Up

6.50Am to my alarm playing 'We don't Sleep When The Sun Goes Downnn......" Teenage Crime - Adrian Luxx <3

U - Unknown Fact About Me

I am an AVID Asterix & Obelix Fan

V - Vegetable

Eggplant mmmmmmmmm

W - Worst Habits

Getting the giggles in tense or serious situations...

X - X-Rays You've Had

Zero...I feel so deprived LOL

Y - Your Favorite Food

Anything Seafood... Sashimi...Prawn Cocktails...Bloody Mary Oysters...Chilli Mussels...Crayfish Mornay ... etc etc

Z - Zodiac Sign

Gemini...the Zodiac's darling hehe <3


Thursday, 1 September 2011

Goodbye Friends....Hello Bali...

I just have one word........


Off to Bali tomorrow..for the first time..The word EXCITED just doesn't cut the mustard hrrmmmmm......

Animated!! Beside oneself!! Charged!! Delighted!! Enthusiastic!! Feverish!! Fired up!! Hyperactive!! Hysterical!! In a tizzy!! Thrilled!! Wild!! Wired!! Worked up!!!!!

I'm sure you catch my drift!! :)
Tune in Monday 12th  for a FULL recount of EVERY nitty-gritty, juicy, daring & dangerous detail when I get back from my week of ARNOLD IN THE TROPICS!

Try not to miss me as much as I will miss you!!!

Arnold Love


Tuesday, 30 August 2011

.Death To Evil...Or Please Just Go Learn Some Social Grace..

WHY  do there have to be such NEGATIVE, NASTY, SOUR people. Why can't they just take their  miserable and horrible little selfs away and find a gutter to curl up and BE GONE!!!!  WHY do people feel the need to be manipulative and calculating, heartless and shallow???

I was greatly enjoying being apart of a certain Model Search, proud that I had taken a step out of my shell and was taking a chance at a dream..... until a certain contestant had to get a nasty friend involved and write mean things online ..... after reading that I was much to average looking to deserve winning this compition and his much more Drop, Dead Gorgeous friend deserved to be recieving more votes then me....the fun was gone. The spell was broken. And me being to much of a  sensitive person was left feeling hurt...and a tad humiliated....

Which got me thinking...why have so many people lost the ability to be polite? Were has chivilary and lady-like behaviour gone??

I work in a prestigeous business area in quite a large corporate office.... but this morning while in the tearoom I over hear well you can't really call it that when they are speaking LOUD ENOUGH TO BE HEARD IN AFRICA..I listened to a loudly broadcasted conversation between the 2 about a bitchy mole who dobbed them into some one... "I know...." Said one of the girls ... " She is such a C***" ....

I am still in shock and it's 1.46 in the afternoon now!!!
Why are people so rude AND crass, why is it easier for people to laugh and poke and prod and tease?
What happened to speaking words of kindness and love... having the restraint to not speak your mind when what you have to say has the ability to cut another person right through the heart??
Why do we only love and worship ourselves....??

Anyways after all my WHY's i came to the realization that the clouds out my window are not going to be giving me the answers so i have added it to my THINGS TO RESEARCH list ...yes i do have a list...do not tease me...you will hurt my feelings :)

ANYWAY I thought i would leave you with a verse i live my life by... because I believe in Kindness and Love and all things beautiful ...and no matter howmany people continue to try and hurt me....I won't retaliate because...

“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Mathew 7:12



Monday, 29 August 2011

.Arnold..The Future Model..

What a CRAZY week and weekend it has been!!

Friday I was notified that I had made it to the TOP 24  for the Bra's N Things Model Search I had entered during the week....and I am currently in the lead thanks to all my amazing friends who have gotten behind me and submitted their votes....

So to any bloggers out there who see this...and have a Facebook account Please log on and submit a vote for me....

Voting Instructions:

Direct Link To Vote for me:

On top of this FANTASTIC news ... I entered two movie ticket competitions last week...and won the ticket's to BOTH...my Eye Doctor was running an Hour and Half late for my appointment so he felt bad and bulk billed my $150.00 consult... I recieved a free Calvin Klien lipstick when I brought my Daddy's Lolita Lempicka Au Masculine for Father's Day AND I won a corset top in a clothing store give away!!!!!!

Needless to say after my week of CRAZY luck I purchased a Lotto ticket for the 21Mil over the weekend.....I haven't checked it yet......But if I suddnely start blogging pictures of my luxery new yacht I'm sure you can put 2 and 2 together....
Please vote and pass my link on to any Facebook friends you know who may want to vote for me...Voting closes Friday....fingers crossed...maybe One day i will join Mirander Kerr as the 2nd ever Australian to be a Victoria's Secret model...



Wednesday, 24 August 2011

.My Hollywood Posse....

Most people deep down somewere want to meet a celebrity..or a Rockstar...or just someone famous they look up to...I most defiently include myself in this category... But Doppelgänger Week last year revealed something to me.... I am already rolling with the A List crowd.... Let's see if you agree...

1. Dettie AKA Miss Katy Perry (Pop Star)

2. Ree AKA Miss Katie Holmes (Dawsons Creek TV Series)

3. Han AKA Miss Eliza Dushku (The Dollhouse TV Series, Tru Calling TV Series)

4. Shanna AKA Lady Gaga (Pop Star)

5. Lisa AKA Holly Madison (Girls of The Playboy Mansion)

So what do you think??? Quite an impressive group of friends i have right????

Oh and you may be asking who is Arnold's Doppelgänger ??? The one and only famous person I was ever likened to.......

....Atomic Betty 

I want you to Share with me your famous Doppelgänger's ....


Tuesday, 23 August 2011

.A Week's Worth Of Writer's Block...

Soooo the last week has been migraine filled.. which i believe has killed off the last of my brain cells therefore resulting in my writer's block... so i stole the following Q&A from a friends blog in the hope that it may kick start some creativity and i will be back blogging about my weird outlook on life..... enjoy......

1. What time did you get up this morning?

My alarm went off at 6.45am.....i hit snooze..... 7.15am Dad phones (THANK GOD otherwise i would have slept all day not gone to work and probably been fired) ..."what you're not up yet?? Sleeping your life away...the morning is the best time of the day...you should have been up at 6 and gone for a run..." I do believe dad thinks i am still in school training for the olympics....hahaha oh the dreams i had as a youngen....

2. How do you like your steak?

Rare - Hey i was raised in France half my life...i learnt to eat like a European...and mmmm it's great!!!!

3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?

Harry Potter 7 with my fellow blogger http://arentweallalittlecrazy.blogspot.com/2011/08/forty-eight-q-as.html 

4. What is your favourite TV show?

Supernatural, the old AND new 90210, Pretty Little Liars, Skins, Criminal Minds, One Tree Hill, Lizzie Maguire, The OC, the list goes ON & ON...i am married to a driller...therefore i spend lots of time home...alone...with my number one weakness...DVD'S!!!! <3 

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

On my own desert island....i will be my own government :)
6. What did you have for breakfast?

Please don't crucify me..... a Red Bull & Inner Health Plus hehehehe...ekkkk i know! i'm so bad!!

7. What is your favorite food?

MOST impossible question to ask me...FOOD is my favourite food full stop!!! Top of my list though of what i regularily east... Sushi, Sashimi, Ngiri & Miso Soup mmmmmm... And Chicken Katsu with EXTRA sauce.....

8. Foods you dislike? 

Mmmmmmmm can't say i really dislike anything..... Not the biggest an of Oranges...since my Orange binge of 2005 ...which gave me hives for a week HAHAHAHA
9. Favorite place to eat?
I love eating out...only because i LOVE to dress up....but i enjoy throwing dinner parties :)

10. Favorite dressing?

MMMMMMMmmmmmmm all kinds.... probably Ranch....i like THICK dressings hehehe
12. What are your favorite clothes?

Dresses :)

13. Where would you visit if you had the chance?

St. Tropez BABY!!!! With ALL the trimmings...


14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full?

Depends on what day you ask me :)

15. Favorite time of day?

Night...Because it either means BED or PARTY !!!

18. What is your favorite sport to watch?


19. What is your favorite fragrance?

Perfume: Parlez Moi D'amore - John Galliano
Life scents: My man, My Coconut & lime candle...ahhhhhh
20. Favorite fruit/vegetable?
Fruit: Cherries
Vegie: roast potato, celery sticks with peanut butter :)

21. People watcher?

Totally...i enjoy making up stories about the persons day...based on their body language hahahaha
22. Are you a morning or night person?

NIGHT, i actually HATE the world in the morning.. even though my ENTIRE life i was awoken at 6 by my ever so chirpy father " UP UP STOP SLEEPING YOUR LIFE AWAY!!"
23. Do you have any pets?

I have a bright orange cat called Mister.Peach ... hahaha he is a crazy maniac :)
24. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share?

I am off to Bali next week for my 3 year wedding anniversary :)
25 . Any pet peeves? People who think they are better then others...we are all humans ... all the same....

26. Favorite flower?

Lilliums & Frangipanis

27. Favorite ice cream?

Connoisseur brand - Chocolate w/ Cherry sauce
28. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?

Motel Rocks - England
29. Do anything spontaneous lately?

Decided to get my makeup artist certificate with Napoleon Perdis

30. Last  vacation?

Spent a week in Melbourne for my birthday with the amazing Renee
31. Last person you went out to dinner with?

Hannah & Her Man for Mexican mmmmmm cheese dip and blue corn chips <3

32. What is your favorite colour?


33. How many tattoos do you have?


42. Worst habit?

Chatter Box....i talk everyone's ears off when i get excited or passionate about something!!!

Well that was defiently worth the effort....my creative juices are BACK!!!!!

Arnold Love to ALL


Monday, 15 August 2011

.One Of Those Times..

After an emotinally draining weekend.. waking  up to Monday in a foul mood.. all i have to blog is a reminder to myself...

There is no education like adversity. ~Disraeli

Things aren't bad forever.. and dwelling is the worse thing to do...

What are your favourite sayings or quotes that you repeat over and over to get you through your grey days??


Friday, 12 August 2011

.Why Hello Friday..I Thought You Would Never Arrive...

Friday!!! Friday!!Friday!!! Friday!!

I would have to say it's one of my most favourite words in the English speaking language...
FRRIIIIDDDAAYYYYY...just rolls off the tongue...induces goosebumps...makes me giddy!!
I love it more then Saturday or Sunday or even a public holiday Monday!

My passionate love for Friday's started...like most of my half decent life experiences..at school, when you hit the age of the sleepovers!!!
Friday's just had excitment in it's air ...you would arrive at school and see every one with their pillows and over night bags...all day was constent chatter..lunchtime detentions were handed out a lot more on Friday's... note passing would hit an all time high as plans for the night ahead were made..and then the SIREN! Most days tired bodies dragged themselves from the classroom...slumped around on the oval a little longer...everyone putting off the afternoon's homework.. Not on Friday's! STAMPEDE! Pretty sure Olympic records were broken at G-P-S on Friday afternoons....
And as I grew up I noticed the bliss of Friday's never changed..
Have you noticed people are nicer on Friday's??
Well trust me they are...that cranky old lady at the corner Deli actually smiles at me on Friday's!!
No one road rages me on Friday's..they wave..blow kisses..
The magpie that insists on swopping and stealing my hair for it's nest every other day sings me a song and does a wing salute on Friday's!!
Friday's are euphoric !!!

But maybe it's just me with my rose tinted glasses on...they do say love is blind prehaps i am choosing to see no flaws in my lovable Friday's.....
So i want to hear your thoughts...are Friday's good to you??? Maybe deadlines and work stress make Friday's your most hated day and reading this has made you think..."Gee Arnold's mental"

Friday Love to you ALL


Thursday, 11 August 2011

.When I Grow Up...

Today's frustrations with my job...slaving for the man.. got me to thinking about when i was little and all the hopes and dreams i had for my grown up life..
When you were young you truly did believe that the key to bringing all those dreams to life really was simply growing up!! Once your full grown you will be allowed to be a Ballerina...why? because your old enough to travel without your Mum and Dad of course! When you grow up of course you will be an astronaught, because you will be brave enough to shoot into outer space with out your blanket.....

What did you truly in your heart of hearts believe you were going to grow up to be???...

The day i decided i was going to be a big co-orporate woman...I was about 12... following Mum and Dad around St George's Tce at lunch time...and there were these beautiful women everywere! In their fancy suits and their tall heels that made such a loud noise down the footpath that everyone would turn to look...they seemed so important and confident swinging their black shiny brief cases by their side...... and away went my imagination....i was going to work in a tall sparkling building...i would have a beautiful apartment in the city and go to amazing parties...my wardrobe would be extensive and fancy and imported from all over the globe....
Fast Forward 11 years... I succeeded in school, took 5 TEE, graduated, got a business certificate, entered the Mining game and now have made it to Offshore Oil & Gas ... running administration and accounts....and at the end of the day there is no Penthouse Apartment in a high rise building..my work building sure is not tall or sparkling.. people treat you like a mindless slave.... and the amazing parties i attend have nothing to do with the job i do...

Life is so simple and beautiful through the eyes of the child... maybe i need to start looking at life simply again and shrug off the pressure we put on ourselves of how life should be now we are 'adult'...or maybe this is Day 1 of begining a new dream and taking a new life path ....create a new 'When I Grow Up' dream..
But I do have to add my dream  didn't turn out all that bad...i did score myself Prince Charming along the way and that extensive wardrobe ;)

I hope all your childhood dreams turned out in one way or another ....


Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The Curious Begins Of Nicknames..

We all have nicknames..well most of us i do remember the day i discovered some people have never had the honour of being bestowed a lovable nickname...it was about as shocking as the day i discovered some people's parents never bothered to give them a middle name..."How Sad For You" ...
Not that a nickname is always all that exciting...seriously when you get right down to it..majority of the populations nicknames consist of zero creativity.. half the male population just refer to each other by their last name or adding an 'O' to their first name 'ShaneO...NeilO and so-forth ... and the other half by something to do with their appearance  ... every red haired person i know is called 'Bluey'... then there are the over weight blokes 'Fatty' .. though i did know an over weight guy once,  we called him Pudge.. when he lost weight every one began calling him by his real name again...why didn't we just start calling him Stick or Twiggy??? Which lead me down the track of thinking..."Do we really only give people mean nicknames???" .. My Dad's nickname had always been 'Bert' refering to his egg shaped head like Bert from Seaseme Street.. untill my mum came along and dared anyone to continue calling him that... he has been know as Steve ever since...
My nickname since they day i popped into the world with a "Hey Folks" has always been the creative 'Chook' why? Because it rhymes with Brooke i 'spose... UNTILL the day's of the Nokia 3350 arrived!!!
I was 15 when i got my first mobile...all us 'cool' kids got mobiles fairly quickly and the top release of 2003 was the good old brick 3350! Apart from the awe-inspiring game of SNAKE this swish little piece of technology also had the ability to guess and spell words! YES!! The dictionary setting was great! And the reason behind my new nickname...
BROOKE contains all the same letters in the same order on the button pad as spelling out ARNOLD, I remember that day on the school bus vividly while my friend typed out a message to a boy asking... "Hey just wondering what do you think of Arnold" HA-HA .... check out how the phone spelt your name...Nokia in face.. and since that day it stuck... I had become ...
That Girl Named Arnold...xxx